
Safety and Security

Emergency Preparedness:

An Emergency Preparedness Plan has been prepared by staff and is on file in the main office. If you are interested in reviewing this plan, please come by.

Evacuation Drills:

Numerous evacuation drills will be conducted throughout the school year so that students and staff will respond in a safe and efficient manner if faced with a true emergency.

Security Guidelines:

  1. Do not leave valuables of any kind in your P. E. locker.

  2. Always check your lock before walking away from your P. E. locker.

  3. DO NOT share lock combinations.

  4. Know where your possessions are at all times.

  5. Bicycles, skateboards, and scooters should be locked in the bicycle/skateboard/ scooter racks located underneath the basketball courts by the parking garage area.

  6. Do not bring excessive amounts of money to school.

  7. Report any theft or suspected theft to a teacher, vice principal or security agent immediately.

Street Crossing

We have school crosswalks at all street corners around the school. You are expected to use the crosswalk at all times for your safety.

Visitor Policy

To ensure the safety of our students and staff, San Diego Unified School District has a closed campus policy. Under this policy, the entrance and exit gates of our school will only be unlocked from 7:45 a.m. until 8:45 a.m. before school and at 3:35 p.m. for dismissal (1:33 p.m. on Thursday) for students to enter and exit. In order to access campus, all visitors must report to the main office, sign in, and obtain a visitor's badge. Please wear the badge on site at all times. Volunteers must also sign in and obtain a volunteer badge each time they arrive.

Arrival to School

The supervision of the students who attend Wilson Middle School begins at 7:45 a.m. each day in the lunch court area. As it is unsafe to leave students unattended, parents should NOT have student arrive at school prior to this time. We also ask that students report directly to their designated area and do not wait outside his/her classroom, or outside the school gates. Your cooperation will help us maintain the safest possible environment for you. At 8:25 a.m. students are released from the lunch court to go to first period class. All students are expected to be in their classrooms, seated and ready to learn at 8:30 a.m. Students who are not in the classroom, and seated by 8:30 will be considered tardy, and will be assigned detention that same day.

Breakfast is available in the lunch arbor beginning at 7:45 a.m. It will be served until 8:20 am. Arrive early if you'd like to eat breakfast at school.

Dismissal from School

Dismissal is at 3:35 p.m. everyday of the week except for Thursday. Dismissal is at 1:33 on Thursday.

Students are walked from their classroom to the front of the school (Orange Avenue) by their teachers. Parents can either stay in their cars and pick up student at the curb in front of the school ("Three-minute Passenger Loading" zone) or park their cars on the residential streets surrounding the school and walk to the front of the school to meet their student.

Unless you attend one of our after-school programs you must be off campus by 3:35 p.m. Please carry your after school hall pass with you at all time. If you are staying to get help from a teacher, make sure that you ask him/her for a pass for 3:35 so that you may stay on campus. Without a pass, you will be asked to leave campus.

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